Choosing the right book

We are all using some time in class at the moment to do some free reading.  How do you know if a book is the right one for you?  There’s no simple answer – but a friend of mine who is teaching in Shangahai suggests the following test:  

the ‘Five Finger’ test. Just follow the steps below!

Open a book to any page. Read the page, out loud if you can. Put up a finger for each word you don’t know. How many fingers do you have up?

1 WORD. This is easy for you to read! HAVE FUN!

2 WORDS. Just right. ENJOY!

3 WORDS. CHALLENGING! But try it and you might like it.

4 WORDS. VERY CHALLENGING! Read this book with some support from someone.

5 WORDS. TOO HARD! Save it for later when you are a better reader or have someone read it to you.
Bister’s Bytes


Things are quiet with no one at school at the moment.  Machar should be back from Alice Springs and Jun is still enjoying Yunnan.  The rest of us are getting an overdose of “Grand Final Fever” while I am working on my blogging and wiki skills.