Reading in English

A recent article in the SCMP which can also be seen here on Google News suggests that the use of technology is having an impact on the writing of  Chinese characters by the younger generation.  One section of the article that caught my eye was the comment : “Chinese reading even uses a different part of the brain from reading the Roman alphabet, Siok’s research has found — a part closer to the motor area, which is used for handwriting.”

I haven’t done too much research into this, but I do wonder about how this effects the reading and thinking that you need to do in Form 6 and 7 especially in preparing for the speaking exam.  If you are reading in English then translating to Chinese, then back to English, some elements of fluency are sure to be lost.  Preparing for the speaking exam means that you must take more time during the year to read in English.

thinking about issues in Hong Kong

Form 5, 6 and 7 students this year all need to spend some time thinking about current issues in Hong Kong.  What is happening, what are the different opinions on issues.  The “Living in Hong Kong” blog by Elmer W. Cagape provides comments on many current issues as well as news events.   If you are in Form 6 and 7, you really must  read some of the entries.  The language may not be easy, but it is a good way to develop your vocabulary and grammar.  You can also select from some of the most popular categories on the right hand side so you can read past entries.  Education, welfare, domestic helpers, the minimum wage, local tourism and events are just some of the topics that have been set for discussion in the exams.

My summer holidays


I went back to Ballarat for my holidays.  I spent a lot of time in the garden.  I love to garden.  In this photo, I am in the process of turning over the compost and using the dead leaves to make food for the soil for next year.  Gardening makes my hands dirty but I love it even though it was very cold.  It’s just great when new things start to grow.  A weeping silver gum I planted two years ago has just flowered.  I’ll add a photo of that later.

In the meantime, I have been reading about current events.  I have made some entries on some recent news events on the new Form 6 and 7 page.  Please read them and comment.  You need to be thinking about lots of current events and developing the vocabulary to talk about them.  Let me know if you have ideas about issues in the news we should be discussing.  Welcome back – and I’ll see you all in class soon!