discussing the news

I have set up a new blog for Form 6 and 7 at : http://skhsslmc67.edublogs.org/

The purpose of this blog is to highlight some of the issues as they appear in the newspapers.  If you were in Form 6 earlier this year you will understand the importance of keeping in touch with current events.  To be able to add examples about issues you are discussing can give you an edge in discussion as well as writing.
If there is something interesting you have noted in the news, write a short entry and e-mail it to me.  I’ll post it on the blog.  You can comment on any of the entries at any time.

There’s a special reward from Aus. for the first person from 6S or 6A to make a comment on any of the posts made over the next few weeks.
Enjoy the break – though most of you have already said you will spend a lot of time studying.!  Remember to use some of that “study time” to do some general reading.

Form 6 – 7 holiday reading

Each year, the examiners comment on the lack of general knowledge that many students have.  A recent survey has also highlighted the huge amount of time that students in Hong Kong spend on Internet games.  If you want a good score at the end of Form 7, you must improve your vocabulary and understanding of many more issues in the world.
Even if you don’t get the newspaper every day, there are many sources on the Internet.  You could play an hour less of games and put an hour into reading about what is happening in the world.
In The Standard today, there is an article about students working on the  mainland   How much do you know about working in areas outside Hong Kong?  Would you like to study in a mainland school?  What do you think about the recent disruption in factories such as Toyota in China? 
I will add occasional comments here during the summer break.  You should collect some articles and comment on them.