No homework? Feeling bored?

Don’t worry F 6 & 7.  There are loads of links here you can use for listening and speaking as well as writing. Examples include: for listening, the Academic word list for vocabulary development, the You Tube “th” lesson on the Form 7 page, collocations exercises, BBC learning Englishand a whole lot more.  Don’t feel bored (not boring!) on a Friday night ever again.

sai kung picnic


Despite a wet start to the day, things cleared by the time we got to the picnic spot.  Unfortunately the ground was a little wet though and there were some minor slips with one student spending the rest of the day at the hospital.  Ms Chan was there to keep her company.  The food was great and the games were fun.  One interesting comment upon looking at the overflowing rubbish bin was that we were not very “environmentally friendly”.  This was timely  given the debate over landfill in Hong Kong at the moment.  Are we spending too much time working out where to put our rubbish – and not enough on how to reduce it?

Speech Festival

You should spend time now learning your poem.  Some links to help with your reading are on the school web site. 
A good version of “The Way Through the Woods” can be found on Youtube.
Some poems include tricky prounciation.  The “th” sound can be especially difficult.  You can use the phonetics site to practice this – use a mirror to check your own pronunciation. You need to select the fricative opton.